Result #2818526 - The Devil 180 vs tom2109
Tuesday 30 July 19:58
Winner: The Devil 180
Match Type: EQXL
Sets: 5 Legs: 5
The Devil 180 tom2109 Sets 3 2 Legs 11 9 Average(3) 66.35 63.42 Average(1) 22.12 21.14 Highest Out 100 47 Best Leg 14 19 100+ 25 21 140+ 7 6 170+ 0 0 180s 3 0 -
Match History
1 2 3 4 5 Set 1 The Devil 180 24
(2)*17 (56) 21 (65) 24
(52)*tom2109 22 (2) 29 (20) 15
(16)*22 (20) Set 2 The Devil 180 14 (62) 20 (83) 17 (100) tom2109 15
(45)*Set 3 The Devil 180 17 (32) 30
(40)*23 (10) 23 (40) tom2109 15
(156)*33 (10) 21
(20)*Set 4 The Devil 180 24
(40)*tom2109 26 (2) 32 (2) 21 (47) Set 5 The Devil 180 24 (60) 24
(10)*23 (20) 18
(52)*22 (20) tom2109 21
(188)*26 (20) 21
(33)*19 (40) 21