Result #93087 - the calcium kid vs Spartan
Friday 29 August 20:35
Winner: Spartan
Match Type: 501
Sets: 1 Legs: 7
the calcium kid Spartan Sets 0 1 Legs 3 4 Average(3) 65.94 65.14 Average(1) 21.98 21.71 Highest Out 65 41 Best Leg 19 20 100+ 7 4 140+ 3 3 170+ 0 0 180s 0 1 -
Match History
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Set 1 the calcium kid 21
(72)*19 21 18
(16)*26 21
(16)*Spartan 24 25 21
(95)*20 24