I'm fully aware that this question will make me sound either like a lunatic, or a stats geek, or a sore loser (or all of the above). 
I've been playing tournaments here for about half a year fairly regularly (at least 2-3 per week) and something that I noticed within the first few weeks was that I seemed to be unlucky enough to only draw opponents whose 3-dart
average was considerably higher than mine. Every single time, without exception. So I started keeping records. Now, several months later, my records show that in the last 39 tournements I have NEVER been drawn against an opponent with a 3-dart average lower
than mine. For context, my 3-dart average has been fairly stable between 45-50 over the last half year, so there should be enough players with lower averages on the website. To cut a long story short, the stats geek in me has difficulties believing this is
a conincidence. I'm NOT suggesting there is some kind of conspiracy going on and the whole world has turned against me, but I'm genuinely curious: is it a random number algorithm that allocates players, or some kind of seeding where
stronger players are purposefully paired with weaker players?
Any insights welcome!